Central Tour : 12 days left until the opening of the ticket office !
To all the people who were on the frontline during the two months of lockdown, who helped the country during this hard times (firemen, cashiers, delivery men, caretakers and helpers, ambulance drivers, policemen, bakers etc…), 100 tickets (50×2) will be reserved for you, for each stadium of the Central Tour :
– Bordeaux : Matmut Atlantique Stadium
– Marseille : Orange Vélodrome Stadium
– Paris : Stade de France
– Lyon : Groupama Stadium
– Lille : Pierre Mauroy Stadium
To all of you concerned, in these cities and areas… thank you for helping us. thank you all for your help.
Due to the numeros messages already received, unfortunately it will be impossible to satisfy every request, so we have created 1 e-mail address for each stadium concerned:
How to proceed ?
Simply send an e-mail to one of the addresses below, with your full name, profession and e-mail address. A judicial officer will randomly select 50 people who can pretend the conditions per town, and only these people will be contacted by return e-mail. They will then be asked to provide proof of their activity during the lockdown (work schedule, employer’s certificate, photos, etc.). These people will be contacted before the opening of the ticket office on 29/9, and their invitation (valid for 2 people) will have to be printed or scanned.
– Bordeaux (Matmut Atlantique, May 29, 2021), send an e-mail to : frontline.indo40bordeaux@gmail.com
– Marseille (Orange Vélodrome, June 5, 2021), send an e-mail to : frontline.indo40marseille@gmail.com
– Paris (Stade de France, Juin 19, 2021), send an e-mail to : frontline.indo40paris@gmail.com
– Lyon (Groupama Stadium, June 26, 2021), send an e-mail to : frontline.indo40lyon@gmail.com
– Lille (Stade Pierre Mauroy, July 3, 2021), send an e-mail to : frontline.indo40lille@gmail.com
Only 1 participation allowed for all 5 stadiums. Please do not send duplicate e-mails, they will not be taken into account. 18+ only.
Deposited at SCP BABAU CHAMBON Judicial Officers, 1 rue Hoche, 83000 Toulon, available on request by e-mail on the study’s website (contact@toulon-huissiers.com).