
Festivals Tour 2014

Argelès, thank you all, we <3 U !


Festival Tour 2014
Les Déferlantes, Argelès (07.07.14) . Thank you all, we <3 you !

Festivals Tour 2014

Argelès sold-out !


Festivals Tour 2014 : the gig at Argelès Déferlantes (07/07/14) is now sold-out. Live performance at 00h30.

Stade de France

Thank you all <3



Stade de France

Video by Concept K





It’s made few days getting back to reality, but above all, to keep on mind thousands of images, faces, joy from all of you, then to keep this fu****** energy alive, in all of us.

Two years of decisions, thoughts, works and intensive creations aiming to offer you two memorable shows in Paris last friday & saturday, and once again thanks to you.

You’ve travelled a long way to be with us, from all regions of France and Switzerland, from Belgium and the rest of the world. Waiting for hours under the heat, then the rain.

Thank you so much for your presence, thank you for your support. Nothing will hurt us now.

Music Video


Stade de France



Stade de France : photos from Indochine’s rehearsals (june 25+26).

Festivals Tour 2014

Les Déferlantes, sold-out very soon...


Important : to all ours fans in the south of France, Indochine at Les Déferlantes fest ‬(july 7) is almost sold-out. Tickets available on…, + Carrefour, Auchan, Leclerc stores.

Rendez-vous also on :

– july 14, London (‪‎Shepherd’s Bush Empire‬). Tickets : and
– july 17, Les Vieilles Charrues‬ Fest (Carhaix). Tickets :

Please note : La ‪Foire Aux Vins fest (Colmar, august 9) is sold-out.

Stade de France

Special TV Show


Stade de France : special TV show on France 2, on july 5 (10.40 pm CET), with itws, live performances + behind the scene footages.

Wuppertal, june 28


Stade de France : pics and videos from Indochine’s Black City Concert #2 on Facebook.

Stade de France

Black City Concert #1


– Black City Concert #1 –

What a night, what a crowd !!!
Respect to all of you, love love !

Photos and videos

Stade de France

Indo Reporters


Stade de France – Indo Reporters

You’re coming saturday, june 28th, you’ve got your ticket for the show ? become Indo Reporter.

All you have to do is to send us an e-mail ( till saturday before noon (CET) including your forename, name, age, address and mobile phone.

A random drawing will be held, then 4 winners will exclusively go backstage + will have to write an article each (in french, with pictures) then published on our website.

Please note : only for 18+, an ID card +Stade de France 06/28/14 ticket show will be asked. Only winners will be called.

Black City Box

Statement from Arista


Stade de France

3 days left !


Stade de France, 3 days left !
Site visit

Stade de France

Shows recorded for TV !


Stade de France : the 2 concerts will be recorded for a special TV show on september (France 2). Don’t mind about the weather, it will take place no matter what.

Black City Box

In stores today !


Black City Box, available on june 23, 2014 (limited ed. Digipack, 3 CD + 2 unreleased live tracks + 2 DVD + 2 posters)

CD1, Black City Album : Black Ouverture, Black City Parade, College Boy, Memoria, Le Fond de l’air est Rouge, Wuppertal, Le Messie, Belfast, Traffic Girl, Thea Sonata, Anyway, Nous Demain, Kill Nico, Europane ou le Dernier Bal

CD2, Black City Remix : College Boy – Chairlift Remix, College Boy – Carbon Airways Remix, College Boy – oLi dE SaT Remix, Black City Parade – Parade Mix by Nicola Sirkis, Black City Parade  – True Shed And Jones By Shane Stoneback, Black City Parade – Black Disco Mix by oLi dE SaT, Black City Parade – Klink Clock Remix, Belfast – The Shadow Mix by oLi dE SaT, Belfast – The Berlin Mix by Nicola Sirkis, Traffic Girl – Pop Mix by Nicola Sirkis

CD3, Black City Live : College Boy live (previously unreleased), Black City Parade live (previously unreleased)

DVD Black City Parade, the movie

DVD Black City Clip (music videos) : Memoria, College Boy, Black City Parade, Belfast, Traffic Girl

Box : + stores (France only) : Fnac, Leclerc, Starter and Cultura

Black City Parade also available in Digipack (Black City Album – Black City Remix and Black City Live).,

Digital (Black City Album – Black City Remix and Black City Live). iTunesFnac JukeBoxGoogle Play (…) and streaming (Deezer + Spotify)

Black City Box / Digipack / Digital : France, Belgium and Switzerland
Canada and U.S., only Digital

Black City London

Combo tickets + bus


London, Shepherd’s Bush Empire (july 14) : combo ticket + bus

Interview, Europe 1

